3 August 2015

DynaMo paper in Trends in Plant Science selected for video abstract

Video abstract

A video by Barbara Halkier, Hussam Nour-Eldin and Morten Egevang Jørgensen highlights the August 2015 issue of TIPS

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Only one paper selected for video abstract per issue

Cell Press has launched a new initiative to promote articles published in Trends in Plant Science. From each issue the editors select one paper to highlight with an author created video abstract.

For the the August 2015 issue Cell Press selected the review article 'Transport of defense compounds from source to sink: learnt lessons from glucosinolates' written by three DynaMo members: Barbara Ann Halkier, Hussam Nour-Eldin and Morten Egevang Jørgensen.

The video features all three authors and contains a 3:47 minutes abstract of the main points of the article explained by using a combination of infographics, animations and interviews.

Lessons learned from glucosinolate transport

In their video the authors discuss how a plant transports defense compounds from one organ to onother. As plants synthesize a plethora of defense compounds crucial for their survival transport processes are important for distributing the defense compound from where they are synthesized to where they are needed the most.

Barbara Halkier, Hussam Nour-Eldin and their esearch team's recent identification of two glucosinolate transporters in the model plant Arabidopsis represents a breakthrough in the understanding of transport of defense compounds in plants.

In their review, the authors focus on lessons learned from glucosinolate transport that may apply to transport of other defense compounds and discuss future avenues in the emerging field of defense compound transport.

Enhanced visibility

Cell Press states that these author produced video abstracts greatly enhance the visibility of the selected papers and provide the authors with an excellent opportunity to explain their article and its significance to a broad audience. DynaMo is thrilled by this opportunity to reach a bigger audience with their science and invite everybody to take a look at the video.

See the video above or at the Trends in Plant Scinece web portal.

Read the full review paper here.