3 August 2012

Congratulations Morten!

Morten Emil Møldrup

A new tradition is being born at DynaMo as Meike Burow congratulates Morten Emil Møldrup with a PhD hat especially created for Morten.

Today Morten Emil Møldrup from DynaMo succesfully defended his PhD Thesis and obtained the PhD degree. Morten did his presentation in front of a full auditorium.

The title of Morten's thesis is 'Pathway elucidation and metabolic engineering of plant defense compounds for crop protection - case studies using camalexin and glucosinolates'. It is comprised of six journal articles and focuses on two important plant defence compounds and their biosynthetic pathway and elucidates how biotechnological use of these compounds can pave the way for future crop protection.

Morten's PhD Supervisor is Head of DynaMo Professor Barbara Ann Halkier. His co-supervisor being Associate Professor Meike Burow, also from DynaMo, it was a festive day at DynaMo today.

Congratulations Morten!

Also read the press release about Morten's thesis:  Gene technology deceives greedy pest insects.