14 January 2016

Annette Petersen - new PhD student with focus on engineering

Welcome back

DynaMo MSc graduate Annette Petersen has commenced as a PhD student at DynaMo Center. Her PhD project is focused on engineering the glucosinolate pathway into microbial hosts.

Annette Petersen holds a BSc and an MSc in Biology-Biotechnology from the University of Copenhagen. She conducted her MSc thesis at DynaMo under the supervision of Associate Professor Hussam Nour-Eldin.

Annette's interest lies specifically within genetic engineering of various organisms, and how to use these to improve environmental and health related issues in today’s society. 

Since early 2016, Annette is a PhD student at DynaMo. Her MSc project was focused on engineering glucosinolates in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which gave her a unique insight into producing glucosinolates in a microbial host. Her PhD project is aimed at producing glucoraphanin in E. coli, besides continuing her work with algae.

Annette's supervisor is Head of DynaMo Professor Barbara Ann Halkier and her co-supervisors are Associate Professor Hussam Nour-Eldin and Assistant Professor Christoph Crocoll, both from DynaMo.

Welcome back, Annette!