8 January 2016

Congratulations Vlastimil!


DynaMo master student Vlastimil Novak successfully defends his MSc thesis.

Vlastimil Novak

DynaMo master student Vlastimil Novak has obtained the MSc degree in Biology-Biotechnology from the University of Copenhagen.

The title of Vlastimil's thesis is 'High-throughput identification of transporters for plant specialized metabolites' and his master project is focused on elucidating transport mechanisms of plant specialised metabolites. 

Membrane transporters represent one of the major mechanisms in shaping the distribution of specialized metabolites and in his thesis Vlastimil establishes a high-throughput screening platform for membrane transporters of specialized metabolites. Vlastimil discusses how to select metabolites for compound mixtures and includes guidelines for selection of compounds for future screens.

Elucidation of  transport mechanisms of plant secondary metabolites can be used to obtain a better understanding of their biological functions as well as for biochemical applications to facilitate crop improvement. 

And today, Vlastimil completed his MSc degree with an enthusiastic and well-designed presentaion in front of friends and colleagues.

Congratulations Vlastimil!