BIG BANG - Naturfag for fremtiden

DynaMo partners Assoc. Prof. Hussam Nour-Eldin is invited to give a lecture on the BIG BANG conference, which is Denmarks largest conference on science for teachers, researchers within primary  schools, youth- and higher educations.

The dynamic chemical defence of plants

Driven by curiosity, the molecular biologists of the world try to understand how living organisms do what they do. We gain the insight by laboriously finding out the functions of genes. But how do we actually detect the function of genes? And what can we use that knowledge for? The presentation presents the story of the identification and study of a gene from a plant. The identification required remarkable testing of hundreds of plant genes in eggs from a South African seed. The study of the gene increased our understanding of how plants administrates effective toxic chemical defenses against herbivorous insects. In an effort to produce a new oilseed crop, we have, in recent years, used our knowledge of this gene to remove mustard flavor from mustard seeds.

Link to the conference:

The lecture will be in Danish.