PhD defence: Bo Larsen

PhD Candidate

Bo Larsen

Title of PhD Thesis

Plant transporter identification - A high-throughput functional genomics approach


Membrane transport proteins (transporters) play a critical role for numerous biological processes, by controlling the movements of ions and molecules in and out of cells. In plants, transporters thus function as gatekeepers between the plant and its surrounding environment and between organs, tissues, cells and intracellular compartments. Since plants are highly compartmentalized organisms with complex transportation infrastructures, they consequently have many transporters. However, the vast majority of predicted transporters have not yet been experimentally verified to have transport activity. This project contains a review of the implemented methods, which have led to plant transporter identification, and present our progress on creating a high-throughput functional genomics transporter identification platform.


Professor Barbara Ann Halkier, DynaMo Center, University of Copenhagen

Assessment Committee

Enrico Martinoia, University of Zürich, Schweiz
Kazufumi Yazaki, University of Kyoto, Japan
Anja Fuglsang, University of Copenhagen (Chair)


The defence will be followed by a reception at Thorvaldsensvej 40, room M117

Everybody is welcome!