11 July 2022

Deyang Xu receives grant from Innovation Fund Denmark


Assistant Professor Deyang Xu from DynaMo Center has received 1,4 million DKK from the Innoexplorer grant to transform the rapeseed cake by-product to healthy protein-rich wholefood products for human consumption.

After pitch talk

Pictured are the partners in the project Professor Barbara Ann Halkier, Assistant Professor Deyang Xu and postdoc Niels Christian Holm Sanden right after the final pitch talk.

Niels Christian Holm Sanden, previous PhD and postdoc of the DynaMo Center will be employed on the project to generate a prototype rapeseed cultivar by advanced plant breeding.

Deyang’s project starts 1st of September 2022 and the duration is one year.

Link to article on LinkedIn from Innovation Fund Denmark https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6948274389377298432/