20 May 2019

Emma Aller receives Danish-American Fulbright Commission grant


DynaMo PhD student Emma Aller was awarded with a grant of 50.000 DKK from the Danish-American Fulbright Commission for an educational study exchange to the USA

The prestigious grant program supports educational exchange to America where Emma will do research for 4 months as part of her 3rd. year PhD studies.

In December 2019, Emma will visit DynaMo partner Professor Daniel Kliebenstein at University of California, Davis. Emma is testing if plants produce seeds that are primed with increased resistance to various stresses in order to match unpredictable environments. She is assessing a potential link to epigenetic regulation, a topic Emma has worked with for several years. Her trip to Davis will focus on bioinformatics, especially data modelling, RNA sequencing analysis and tracking of transposable elements.

Emma Allers supervisor is DynaMo Partner Associate Professor Meike Burow.