Visit from the Swedish Wallenberg Foundation to DynaMo
Danish and Swedish scientists listening to Professor Barbara Ann Halkiers talk about the DynaMo Center.
A group of researchers from the Swedish Wallenberg Foundation visited DynaMo at Wednesday 26 April 2017. The delegation was headed by Professor Christina Moberg, who is also head of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
The purpose of the visit was for the Swedish foundation to talk to young scientists and to understand how it is to be a researcher at at Danish Center of Excellence and in Denmark in general.
At first there was a small introduction by Christina Moberg where she also explained the purpose of their visit and what the Wallenberg Foundation is. Afterwards, Head of DynaMo Professor Barbara Ann Halkier made a presentation about how the DynaMo Center is structured, how the center works and what the mission of DynaMo actually is. During the presentation a lot of questions were asked by some very curious guests.
Then DynaMo postdoc Deyang Xu made a presentation about how it is to be a young scientist in Denmark and at the DynaMo Center. Deyang also talked about how DynaMo makes it possible for young scientists to experience external collaboration with world-leading scientists and how the DynaMo Center supports the research of each scientist.
Then there was a short coffee break with a lot of casual chatting.
During the second half of the visit, everybody was divided into groups and there were group discussions where a lot of interesting observations were shared.
The visit, it must be said, was successfull and the many exchanges of ideas prolonged the visit because everyone was so active in the debates.