26 October 2015

Congratulations Emma!

MSc degree

Last week, DynaMo master student Emma Aller successfully defended her MSc thesis with an enthusiastic presentation on epigenetics.

DynaMo master student Emma Aller's MSc project is on mapping epigenetic loci that control natural variation in glucosinolate accumulation within the model plant Arabidopsis.

Last week, Emma defended her MSc thesis entitiled "Epigenetic regulation of plant defence – assessing the impact of DNA methylations on glucosinolates" in front of a full auditorium and thereby obtained the MSc degree in Biology-Biotechnology from the University of Copenhagen.

Emma's MSc project included methods from molecular biology and genomics as well as bioinformatics and for her thesis work she analyzed the glucosinolate profiles of more than 1500 plants.

Emma also did her BSc project at DynaMo and has worked at the center as a laboratory assistant for two years. Her long time goal is to pursue an academic career integrating basic and applied research, her succesful MSc defence being an important step on the way.

Congratulations Emma!