PhD defence 2024.07.02 Congratulations William! In front of colleagues, family and friends, William Thomas Wajn successfully defended his PhD thesi…
PhD defence 2024.07.02 Congratulations Laura! In front of colleagues and family, Laura Dethier successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled ‘Fro…
New position 2024.06.06 Jakob Skytte Thorsen - new PhD student! PhD project on rapeseed cake as the novel food crop
New position 2024.05.06 Welcome to Ruochen - new PhD student! New PhD student in Plant Microbe Interactions.
New Grant 2024.01.04 Deyang Xu receives new NNF grant Project description: Rapeseed (Brassica napus) is the world’s third largest oilseed crop. The press…
New Grant 2023.12.13 Deyang receives Innoexplorer grant New grant to explore rapeseed cake as a novel food
2023.12.06 Barbara keynote speaker at Planteværket State of the union talk by Professor Barbara Ann Halkier
2023.06.27 Green Solution Centre pilot project grant A pilot project under GSC living lab – “Our plant-based future”.
Breakthrough 2023.04.21 Scientists turn protein-rich waste product into plant-based food Discovery of method to remove bitter compounds from protein-rich seeds - Nature publication
GRANT 2023.01.16 New NNF communication grant Emma Aller and Niels Christian Sanden receives grant to build up novel communication platform
New position 2022.08.10 Shiwen Yang - new PhD student Transporter identification and characterization
PhD Defence 2022.07.07 Congratulations Michal! PhD in Engineering Escherichia coli towards production of plant specialized metabolites
PhD Defence 2021.12.22 Congratulations Niels Christian! PhD in Systemic infrastructure in plants. From sieve elements to seed filling
New Position 2021.10.01 Welcome to Christos - new PhD student in metabolomics Villum Investigator project
Grant 2021.04.19 Villum Investigator 2021 Barbara Ann Halkier awarded a Villum Investigator grant of 30 million DKK.
MSc Graduation 2021.04.08 Congratulations Noël! MSc graduation in identification of the glucosinolate transporter complement
MSc Graduation 2020.12.08 Congratulations Mads Emil! Mads Emil Larsen successfully defended his MSc thesis in Biology-Biotechnology
2020.11.23 Barbara Ann Halkier receives grant from NNF 3 mill. DKR for project on the commercial potential for production of health-promoting glucoraphani…
Grant 2020.06.15 Prestigious Distinguished Investigator grant Barbara Ann Halkier receives Distinguished Investigator grant from Novo Nordisk Foundation
2020.04.17 Professor Barbara Ann Halkier writes chapter in book gift to H.M. the Queen The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters celebrates H. M. the Queen's 80th birthday with a…
Recognition 2019.06.25 Barbara Ann Halkier - new EMBO Member Barbara Ann Halkier is elected as new Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization
Award 2019.05.22 SPPS innovation prize - Barbara Ann Halkier DynaMo received the SPPS Plant Innovation Prize 2019 for the transport engineering technology - an…
Public Outreach 2018.10.09 Barbara Ann Halkier at Science and Cocktails Head of DynaMo Center Professor Barbara Ann Halkier gives a talk at Science and Cocktails on…
2018.01.09 Barbara Ann Halkier in Reuters Video about new robust oil seed crop ‘Plant breeding offers golden future for rapeseed fields’
Nomination 2017.12.14 DynaMo research nominated Best Danish Research 2017 Vote at for the new oilseed crop that can resist global warming
Grant 2017.11.24 Barbara Ann Halkier receives grant from the NNF 3 million DKK to develop and implement new synthetic biology tools
Translational biology 2017.04.01 Nature Biotechnology cover story by DynaMo researchers The cover story of the April 2017 issue of Nature Biotechnology is written by DynaMo researchers in…
BREAKTHROUGH 2017.03.28 Mustard seeds without mustard flavor: new robust oilseed crop can resist global warming University of Copenhagen and the global player Bayer CropScience have successfully developed a new…
Midterm evaluation 2016.12.21 DynaMo Center receives second funding period Upon a very positive midway evaluation the DynaMo Center of Excellence, headed by Professor Barbara…
Publication 2016.06.01 Paper on transport of plant hormones published in Nature Communications 'The Arabidopsis NPF3 protein is a Gibberellin transporter'
Street level 2015.08.14 Barbara Ann Halkier on the fence of the new Niels Bohr Building Large picture portraits of Barbara Ann Halkier and 14 other prominent researchers from the Faculty…
Video abstract 2015.08.03 DynaMo paper in Trends in Plant Science selected for video abstract A video by Barbara Halkier, Hussam Nour-Eldin and Morten Egevang Jørgensen highlights the August…
GRANT 2015.06.26 Barbara Halkier partner in EU-funded project on fighting disease in oil seed rape crops Together with partners in the UK, Holland, Germany and Poland, Head of DynaMo Professor Barbara Ann…
Blue Book 2015.06.02 Barbara Halkier listed in the Danish Who's Who (Kraks Blå Bog) Among this year's 244 new entries, 12 are selected for special mention on the Who’s Who web portal …
Outreach 2015.04.07 Barbara Halkier and Hussam Nour-Eldin give public lecture at the Danish Festival of Research 'Forskningens Døgn' On natural plant products at the Royal Danish Academy Friday 24 April 2015 (in Danish)
GRANT 2014.10.20 Barbara Halkier receives grant from Novo Nordic Foundation 2.7 mill kr to optimize microbial production of the health-promoting glucoraphanin
Publication 2014.09.17 DynaMo researchers publish model of leaf margin defence New paper in Plant Physiology by Svend Roesen Madsen, Hussam Nour-Eldin and Barbara Ann Halkier
Glucosinolates 2014.08.18 10 DynaMo members attend the Third International Glucosinolate Conference in Wageningen 12-15 October 2014 Barbara Halkier keynote speaker and Hussam Nour-Eldin invited speaker
RECOGNITION 2014.05.21 Barbara Ann Halkier new Member of the Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters Head of DynaMo is appointed new member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
2013.11.21 Photos from the Innovaton Award Ceremony The Award Ceremony took place as part of the University's annual Commemoration Ceremony where also…
2013.11.14 5 DynaMo researchers receive UCPH Innovation Award For groundbreaking research in plant biotechnology with high potential for environment and society
Publication 2013.09.02 Paper on long-distance transport in Plant Cell Postdoc Tonni Grube Andersen and Associate Professor Hussam Nour-Eldin are shared first authors on …
Video 2013.05.15 Food for talk video: Barbara Halkier in dialog with Henrik Boserup As one of six experts on plants and food production Head of DynaMo Barbara Ann Halkier was…
2012.12.05 Best Danish Research Result 2012: Made edible The Danish science portal has awarded Professor Barbara Halkier and her plant research…